Fall is full of good things...

Fall is full of good things...
Tigers beat the Yanks, Lions winning some games...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Ostern everyone...

While I was with the family yesterday celebrating the defining day for Christians around the world, someone asked what the word Easter meant. In keeping with last months definition, I figured i better look into it. That's what old age does to you, you start to actually get concerned with things you've never given much thought to.

There are two relatively accepted potential origins of the word Easter... as with many holidays, it looks like there is a pagan root to the word as well as one not associated with the pagan term.

Eostre - was a pagan Anglo-Saxon Goddess. The mythical figure is said to have been the goddess of the sunrise and the spring. The direction of the sunrise, East, is named for her. In Norse mythology, the name is spelled Eostare. Another considered the Norse/Saxon goddess of spring is Ostara. Eastre is believed to be an ancient word for spring. -OR- Another idea involves the history of the Frankish church (Germans who settled in Rome during the fifth century). There the celebration of Christ's resurrection included the word alba, which means white (the color of the robes worn during the resurrection festival). Alba also meant sunrise. So when the name of the festival was translated into German, the sunrise meaning, ostern, was selected, likely in error. One theory is that Ostern is the origin of the word Easter.

So there you have it.

We also celebrate April Fools day in our house... It has become a little tough around here to fool anyone since they all live so darn far away. Phone gags just don't have the same flair. I am always a little nostalgic for a couple of the pranks I pulled on the kids this time of year. Like the one year I stopped at Little Caesars to pick up a couple empty pizza boxes on my way home from work. As I drove by the kids playing in a neighbors yard, I raised the empty boxes and slowed down so they could get a good look... they raced me home that night, and needless to say, Kelly & I had to pack the fam up and take them out for pizza that night. They still get a chuckle out of it though... memories.

Oh yeah... what about real estate? Well it has been very busy lately. Mortgages are getting tough to obtain, and the first time home buyer credit expires in just 25 days. If you want to take advantage of the credit, this is literally zero hour... call me today.

FYI, Senate Bill 395 was introduced in Michigan recently, it requires property tax assessment notices to be sent to property owners at least two weeks before the meeting by the local Board of Review. Last week, the Bill passed out of the Senate, and is now awaiting a hearing in the House Intergovernmental and Regional Affairs committee. This bill would allow us property owners sufficient time to gather the required information necessary to fight our assessments. I'll keep you updated on this one.

For the family... all are doing great, Jessy & Anthony are starting the countdown to the wedding (late July). Looks like everything is in order. Dave Lauren Bella & Austin are doing well, Austin is growing... what an eater. I had a three day stretch with him wrecking my shirts while I tried to burp him... I think I'm leaving that task for the professionals from now on.

Kel & I have had the motorcycles out a couple times... the recent string of great weather has been very encouraging. Golf and softball, look out, here we come.

Thanks again for all your referrals, I appreciate you passing my name on to your family and friends. See you in May.

Recommended professional services

  • Golden Eagle Productions - Video projects, weddings and events - Thomas Belian
  • Riff Lab Studios - Voice overs and other recording needs - Dave Kuprianiak
  • Sheilas Cleaning Co. - Sheila Figurski - 586-747-2690
  • Hotfood2you.com - 248-305-5160 - Catering and delivery service
  • Greenline Lawn/Landscaping Service - 248-765-1626
  • RD Weis - Flooring Solutions - Kerry Eldridge - 248-548-8434 - keldridge@rdweis.com
  • Gary Grochowski - Commercial Real Estate Broker - L Mason Capitani - ggrochowski@Lmcap.com - 248.637.9700
  • Pradip Sengupta - IPS Technology Services - IT consulting - 248-835-9895 - pradip_sengupta@ipsts.com - www.ipsts.com
  • Melissa & Paul Patrash - Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry - 586-306-1468 - melissapatrash@comcast.net
  • Len Brunkey - Investment advisor - lbrunkey@kfsonline.net
  • Michael J. Doran - Financial Services / life insurance - 248-259-8920
  • Ryan L. Malloch, Innovative Investment Services - 248-556-4600 - rmalloch@multifin.com
  • Brad Saarela - Somerset Lending Corp. - Mortgages, pre-approvals, re-fi, construction - 248-608-3991 - brad@somersetlendingcorp.com
  • Randy's Eli of Troy Menswear- 248-689-2010
  • Doug Budden - Woodlake Construction - 248-643-9590
  • Expert Moving & Storage - John - 248-554-0842
  • Nu-Era Maintenance - Carpet cleaning - Bill - 248-393-4460
  • Ever/Ready Carpet Cleaning - Mike Allen - 248-650-2808
  • Jeff Smith Painting - 248-798-7858
  • Fairway Tile & Carpet - Dennis - 248-588-4429
  • Pennington Collision - Ed - 248-689-0345
  • Keller's Automotive - Chuck Keller - 586-731-5378
  • Golf Tec - Golf instruction - Joe Garrisi - 248-588-4653
  • Ye Olde Wine Shoppe - Denny Walsh - 248-852-5533
  • The Point After (embroiderie) - Mike Lacoursiere - 313-885-1274