Fall is full of good things...

Fall is full of good things...
Tigers beat the Yanks, Lions winning some games...

Friday, April 3, 2009

April Showers bring May flowers...

I wish I had a better joke to use every April, but I'm just lame enough to use the same old tired one... If April Showers bring May flowers... what do May flowers bring? You guessed it... Pilgrims.

Finally it is starting to feel a little bit like spring around here. My toes are beginning to warm up, and we've actually been on the motorcycle a couple times. We opened up portions of Club Hendo in the back yard yesterday... it looks like we'll phase the other areas in as weather permits.

The photo this month... I thought it was appropriate to commemorate April Fools Day as well as State making it to the final four. I'm not much of a b-ball fan, so consider this pandering to all the rest of the sports junkies out there.

Jessy finished her internship at Beaumont last week, and is relieved that she only has one more paper, and her formal graduation in April... then she officially joins the work force, and adulthood. The day Kelly & I have been waiting for... getting her off the payroll :0). We couldn't be any more proud of her accomplishments. She worked extremely hard to earn her Masters from Western Michigan. To celebrate, her & Anthony are heading to Mexico later this month to relax for a week. I think she's considering a move to Chicago for employment. We'll miss her around here, but at least it's not California.

Bella is doing a great job potty training... this will be a huge step toward her independence... since G-Diddy is a little reluctant to have grandfather grandaughter outings. I'm not real big into the diaper thing :0). Dave & Lauren enrolled her in a swim class at the Troy Community center, and she just passed her class. It is funny to see how comfy she is in the pool compared to last summer when she moved here. Dave & Lauren continue their efforts to fatten me up with good home cooked meals everyday... just can't resist the alfredo.

Kelly & I keep plugging away. March has been very busy with real estate. I've written a few offers, and have a few more buyers I'm working with... much better start to '09 than '08. Kelly is actively seeking a new sales position, and has had several good interviews over the last couple weeks.

As for Real Estate...

This is a market that still strongly favors buyers. A recent client locked in on a 30 year mortgage with a 4.62% interest rate. The stimulus package offers first time home buyers an $ 8,000.00 tax credit, and there are a llllooootttt of homes on the market to chose from. Spring is here, if you are interested in selling a home... right now is the time to list to take advantage of the busiest activity time of the year. If you are a buyer... there are tons of deals to be had, you need to give me a call today so I can help you find one.

Thanks once again for all of your referrals. I truly appreciate the trust you place
in my ability to service your friends and family.

Let me know how I can help, and have a terrific April.

Recommended professional services

  • Golden Eagle Productions - Video projects, weddings and events - Thomas Belian
  • Riff Lab Studios - Voice overs and other recording needs - Dave Kuprianiak
  • Sheilas Cleaning Co. - Sheila Figurski - 586-747-2690
  • Hotfood2you.com - 248-305-5160 - Catering and delivery service
  • Greenline Lawn/Landscaping Service - 248-765-1626
  • RD Weis - Flooring Solutions - Kerry Eldridge - 248-548-8434 - keldridge@rdweis.com
  • Gary Grochowski - Commercial Real Estate Broker - L Mason Capitani - ggrochowski@Lmcap.com - 248.637.9700
  • Pradip Sengupta - IPS Technology Services - IT consulting - 248-835-9895 - pradip_sengupta@ipsts.com - www.ipsts.com
  • Melissa & Paul Patrash - Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry - 586-306-1468 - melissapatrash@comcast.net
  • Len Brunkey - Investment advisor - lbrunkey@kfsonline.net
  • Michael J. Doran - Financial Services / life insurance - 248-259-8920
  • Ryan L. Malloch, Innovative Investment Services - 248-556-4600 - rmalloch@multifin.com
  • Brad Saarela - Somerset Lending Corp. - Mortgages, pre-approvals, re-fi, construction - 248-608-3991 - brad@somersetlendingcorp.com
  • Randy's Eli of Troy Menswear- 248-689-2010
  • Doug Budden - Woodlake Construction - 248-643-9590
  • Expert Moving & Storage - John - 248-554-0842
  • Nu-Era Maintenance - Carpet cleaning - Bill - 248-393-4460
  • Ever/Ready Carpet Cleaning - Mike Allen - 248-650-2808
  • Jeff Smith Painting - 248-798-7858
  • Fairway Tile & Carpet - Dennis - 248-588-4429
  • Pennington Collision - Ed - 248-689-0345
  • Keller's Automotive - Chuck Keller - 586-731-5378
  • Golf Tec - Golf instruction - Joe Garrisi - 248-588-4653
  • Ye Olde Wine Shoppe - Denny Walsh - 248-852-5533
  • The Point After (embroiderie) - Mike Lacoursiere - 313-885-1274