Fall is full of good things...

Fall is full of good things...
Tigers beat the Yanks, Lions winning some games...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Only three months away from better weather...

Only a few more weeks away from the spring real estate rush. Historically spring brings all the shoppers out. When? Tough to nail down but it usually coincides with sunny days and people coming out of hibernation. If you're thinking of selling, the time is now to get your home on the market. If you're a buyer looking for the right window, the time is now to beat the rush. Why compete with all the procrastinators on offers?

Interest rates are still low, financing is tough right now, but I know people. Appraisals are still tough but sellers are becoming more understanding of the market after so many years of frustration. If the Realtors do their homework during negotiations of an offer, the actual deal is typically closer to what an appraiser will approve when the time comes. It pays to go with a professional, again I know people :0).

Enough of that ... big news on the home front again. So the twins were born last month, and like a week later I get a call from Jessy asking if I was ready for grandkid number 5. Before I could spit out "what did David and Lauren do?" She told me she and Anthony were going to have a baby around September/Octoberish... Big time fun these days. Sadly I'm afraid he/she will be a Bears fans, but who could really blame "it"... i'm sure we can secretly convert the youngster to a Wings fan though.

Stay tuned for more news as it develops.

Jaxon and Carson are doing well. I had Carsons i.d. dialed in by the shape of his right ear, but the last time we were over, even that changed a bit. not sure I'll ever get them sorted out. I told the kids they better not shuffle them, that could really mess them up later in life especially if one of them has to get finger printed for work or something. Austin and Bella are doing great, Bella seems to enjoy helping, Austin just keeps saying "whats that" and pointing... Austins first snow storm yielded him an awesome fort... "whats that?"

Kel & I are fine... just watching a lot of t.v. buying time for better weather to hit and the bikes to come out of storage.

Thanks again for all your referrals. Don't be afraid to send folks my way for consultation these days. It's such a tough market, there are lots of folks with lots of questions... I'm happy to help.

See you in March


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