Fall is full of good things...

Fall is full of good things...
Tigers beat the Yanks, Lions winning some games...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I never thought being 50 would ever get here...

But here it is. It seems like forever since I updated the blog. So much has been going on this summer, it's been tough to find time to keep in touch.
I'll keep it as short as possible, I know you all want to scoot out of here for a long weekend. I missed Kels birthday blog in July, sorry ... I'll make it up to you when you get old like me. My Ligers team ended in third place this season, but lost 26 -25 in the final game of playoffs for a second place showing. We're sweeping through fall league so far with a 5 - 0 record. Golf is practically over, we are playing for first place tonight, we'll see if we can hold on to a lead.
Kelly & I haven't even looked at the motorcycles in over a month, we've been to Chicago with Jessy & Anthony a couple times, Kellys been traveling for work just about every week, and the weather has been smokin' hot all summer, to warm to ride most days.
Jessy is due the end of this month bringing the grandbaby tally to 5. Can't wait for Frankenberry (Francesca) to arrive. Hopefully she comes in on my birthday (did I mention I'm 50 this month?), would be a great surprise.
Bella starts kindergarten this fall, she is so grown up, and very excited for school. Austin and the twins (they have names, but I really can't tell them apart, so they're the twins), are doing great. Austin loves Pee Paw... until Anthony comes to visit... then it's hello Tony, good bye pee paw.
Dave & Lauren are handling their huuge family pretty well. It takes them forever to get out of the house, and another forever to unpack the kids and get them in to wherever they're going, but pretty much taking it all in stride.
In case you haven't heard, I decided to run for Troy City Council. As if I needed anything else occupying an already full dance card. The election is November 8th, and I have been promised, the biggest time issue is running for office, it will be routine once elected. I appreciate you sending a good word to anyone you know that lives in Troy.
Kel has a big golf week planned this month for us to celebrate my big 5-0. We're heading to three very nice golf courses in Northern Michigan, and a little stop in Traverse City. Looking forward to getting away for a few days.
On the Real estate front... it has been a little quiet lately. I ended August with a closing, and I have three buyers I'm working with right now. The market is still a bit quirky, but a home priced right and in good condition flies off the market. The feds promised to keep rates low for the next two years, so buying a home right now is an excellent idea.
As always, I'm looking for referrals. It's the right time to buy and the right time to sell... an odd combination that hasn't been around for a few years... call me :0)
See you next month
Dave & Kelly Henderson

Recommended professional services

  • Golden Eagle Productions - Video projects, weddings and events - Thomas Belian
  • Riff Lab Studios - Voice overs and other recording needs - Dave Kuprianiak
  • Sheilas Cleaning Co. - Sheila Figurski - 586-747-2690
  • Hotfood2you.com - 248-305-5160 - Catering and delivery service
  • Greenline Lawn/Landscaping Service - 248-765-1626
  • RD Weis - Flooring Solutions - Kerry Eldridge - 248-548-8434 - keldridge@rdweis.com
  • Gary Grochowski - Commercial Real Estate Broker - L Mason Capitani - ggrochowski@Lmcap.com - 248.637.9700
  • Pradip Sengupta - IPS Technology Services - IT consulting - 248-835-9895 - pradip_sengupta@ipsts.com - www.ipsts.com
  • Melissa & Paul Patrash - Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry - 586-306-1468 - melissapatrash@comcast.net
  • Len Brunkey - Investment advisor - lbrunkey@kfsonline.net
  • Michael J. Doran - Financial Services / life insurance - 248-259-8920
  • Ryan L. Malloch, Innovative Investment Services - 248-556-4600 - rmalloch@multifin.com
  • Brad Saarela - Somerset Lending Corp. - Mortgages, pre-approvals, re-fi, construction - 248-608-3991 - brad@somersetlendingcorp.com
  • Randy's Eli of Troy Menswear- 248-689-2010
  • Doug Budden - Woodlake Construction - 248-643-9590
  • Expert Moving & Storage - John - 248-554-0842
  • Nu-Era Maintenance - Carpet cleaning - Bill - 248-393-4460
  • Ever/Ready Carpet Cleaning - Mike Allen - 248-650-2808
  • Jeff Smith Painting - 248-798-7858
  • Fairway Tile & Carpet - Dennis - 248-588-4429
  • Pennington Collision - Ed - 248-689-0345
  • Keller's Automotive - Chuck Keller - 586-731-5378
  • Golf Tec - Golf instruction - Joe Garrisi - 248-588-4653
  • Ye Olde Wine Shoppe - Denny Walsh - 248-852-5533
  • The Point After (embroiderie) - Mike Lacoursiere - 313-885-1274