Fall is full of good things...

Fall is full of good things...
Tigers beat the Yanks, Lions winning some games...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Merry Christmas...

Well, I considered a You Tube video this year, but just ran out of time to make it. Besides, it is a little awkward reviewing it later on and the kids think I'm a nut case anyway :0).

It's been a very busy month for me in the real estate biz. I've worked with several buyers in the last month, and am currently working with a couple more in time for the Christmas holiday. I've had a couple showings on my listings as well... people are still moving.

I have a four year streak on writing up Purchase Agreements on the night before Thanksgiving... Just goes to show if you don't take time off around the holidays, the business can be there.

We are still slow in comparison to years past, and the market is still lagging. Hopefully our new government will spark our economy, and the auto makers will get their cash soon, and our economy will get a jump start. Here's to great things in 2009.

The family news is probably going to take up a bit of blog space this month... hope you don't mind.

Dave Lauren & Bella are doing great. Bella has her first sled and we're anxiously waiting the first good snow so we can make a great snowman, and pull her around the yard. I even had to blow and bag the leaves so we don't wind up with a "hairy" snowman.

Daves job is going well, he's settling in and enjoying it.

Jessy was just accepted at Beaumont Hospital for her final semester internship. She is moving back home mid December to finish her education. Almost finished... now if we can just find someone to sublet her apartment in Kalamazoo, we'll be great. It's a houseful but it should be great having everyone back home for a while.

Anthony came in and stayed for Thanksgiving... naturally we spent just about every night playing Presidents and knuckleheads (thats the p.c. term for what the college kids actually call it :0). He has pretty much convinced me that I can't live without the new iPhone... can't wait until my latest phone contract is up. I think I'm all over it. You can tell the measure of a football man when he comes to your town and maintains an air of politeness even while watching your home town "team" get their butts handed to them on Thanksgiving (again)...

Kelly is on the mend with her back issues... the MRI shows she has a compressed disk. She started physical therapy a few weeks ago, and it seems to be working. Still no hockey for her, but she's not pushing it. David is helping her with all the decorations. Not sure which one is the bigger "Clark Griswold" of the two of them. She loves the decorations, and he had the boxes out of the basement three days before Thanksgiving (might be a record).

To finish, thanks so much for another successful year in the real estate business. Your help in these tough economic times are greatly appreciated. Thanks for thinking of me and recommending me to your friends and family... always appreciated.

You're calendars are in the mail in the next week or so. If you don't receive one, it may be that I don't have your mailing address. If you don't get it by Christmas... feel free to call me and I'll make sure my records are straight, and get one right out.

Thanks again, and Merry Christmas to all

Dave, Kelly & the Fam

Recommended professional services

  • Golden Eagle Productions - Video projects, weddings and events - Thomas Belian
  • Riff Lab Studios - Voice overs and other recording needs - Dave Kuprianiak
  • Sheilas Cleaning Co. - Sheila Figurski - 586-747-2690
  • Hotfood2you.com - 248-305-5160 - Catering and delivery service
  • Greenline Lawn/Landscaping Service - 248-765-1626
  • RD Weis - Flooring Solutions - Kerry Eldridge - 248-548-8434 - keldridge@rdweis.com
  • Gary Grochowski - Commercial Real Estate Broker - L Mason Capitani - ggrochowski@Lmcap.com - 248.637.9700
  • Pradip Sengupta - IPS Technology Services - IT consulting - 248-835-9895 - pradip_sengupta@ipsts.com - www.ipsts.com
  • Melissa & Paul Patrash - Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry - 586-306-1468 - melissapatrash@comcast.net
  • Len Brunkey - Investment advisor - lbrunkey@kfsonline.net
  • Michael J. Doran - Financial Services / life insurance - 248-259-8920
  • Ryan L. Malloch, Innovative Investment Services - 248-556-4600 - rmalloch@multifin.com
  • Brad Saarela - Somerset Lending Corp. - Mortgages, pre-approvals, re-fi, construction - 248-608-3991 - brad@somersetlendingcorp.com
  • Randy's Eli of Troy Menswear- 248-689-2010
  • Doug Budden - Woodlake Construction - 248-643-9590
  • Expert Moving & Storage - John - 248-554-0842
  • Nu-Era Maintenance - Carpet cleaning - Bill - 248-393-4460
  • Ever/Ready Carpet Cleaning - Mike Allen - 248-650-2808
  • Jeff Smith Painting - 248-798-7858
  • Fairway Tile & Carpet - Dennis - 248-588-4429
  • Pennington Collision - Ed - 248-689-0345
  • Keller's Automotive - Chuck Keller - 586-731-5378
  • Golf Tec - Golf instruction - Joe Garrisi - 248-588-4653
  • Ye Olde Wine Shoppe - Denny Walsh - 248-852-5533
  • The Point After (embroiderie) - Mike Lacoursiere - 313-885-1274